The Battle of Britain Dinner
Sat, 11 Sept
"Our Female Air Force Heroes"

Time & Location
11 Sept 2021, 6:00 pm
Adelaide, 111 Hutt St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
About the event
In the RAAF Centenary year, join us as we pay tribute to “Our Female Air Force Heroes” who have contributed to what has become a world class, 5th generation organisation, highly respected worldwide for delivering air power in Australia’s national interest.
Join guest speakers, serving RAAF personnel, veterans, and the wider Aviation and Defence community at this significant Club event that will be a night to remember!
Time: 1800 drinks and canapes; 1830 seated for dinner
Price: $125.00 members; $135.00 non-members
Dress: Mess Dress/Black Tie and Female Equivalent with Miniatures
RSVP: By Tuesday 7 September
Price includes canapes and three course dinner with Club beverages.